Saturday 3 August 2013

MBlaze 3G settings for ZEN A10 ULTRATAB

I bought a ZEN A10 Ultra tab. It does not support simcard, so, had to do with either external modem (2G or 3G) or a Wi-Fi. Had to browse a bit to find the correct settings. Here i have included the procedure for your reference.

For dongle to work, you have to set Access point names.Plug-in the dongle and do the following:

Go to settings->More->Mobile networks->click on Access point names. If your dongle is already connected it automatically configures MCC and MNC. Then change other parameters as following:

APN: #777
APN TYPE: Leave this blank (don't set anything here)
PROXY: Leave this blank (don't set anything here)
PORT: Leave this blank (don't set anything here)
SERVER: Leave this blank (don't set anything here)
MMSC: Leave this blank (don't set anything here)
MMS PROXY: Leave this blank (don't set anything here)
MMS PORT: Leave this blank (don't set anything here)
BEARER: unspecified

I also found this video, which helps how to go to APNs and set them:

Some points to note:
1. This supports only CDMA (TATA/RELIANCE/MTS).
2. When you plug-in a dongle, it automatically configures MNC/MCC
3. Once you are done with settings, wait for sometime until a network connectivity symbol comes up on the right corner of your tablet. Once, it comes, you can browse.

The only mistake i did was, i have set everything correctly and started browsing instantly. Never waited for network connectivity symbol and was disappointed buying this product. But once it got connected, i am feeling ZEN A10 ULTRA TAB is one of the good tablets in markets. Even battery backup seems good. They specify a power cycle and i followed it, and now i get a 2.30 hours back up even though i use it continuously.

1 comment:

  1. nice blog

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