Saturday 9 April 2016

PCB Fabrication and SMT Assembly - 2

For a beginner in electronics circuit design, there is always a bit of confusion regarding the manufacturing costs of PCB. We will always be looking for a common place where we can find the costs involving PCB fabrication and also factors to be considered while designing the same. So, once the layout engineer is ready with his Gerber, the designers will start looking for various fab options. They will be sending the Gerber to fab houses to get a quotation for the PCB fabrication. During the information exchange between companies and fab houses lot of technical information gets exchanged which finally decides the PCB fabrication cost. Following are the few points you have to look at before the PCB fabrication cost is decided.

1. PCB dimensions
2. Quanity required
3. Layer count of PCB
4. Fabrication material
5. PCB thickness
6. copper foil thickness on the PCB
7. Any special treatment required for the PCB
8. Trace width and line-to-line spacing
9. Via count and dimensions
10. Special PCB sizes

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